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Webpack in Munich, May 2018


In addition to writing and consulting, I do occasional training. Most often it’s around my webpack book and it supports different levels of sessions well. Workshops also improve the material so the work feeds back to the book and strengthens it.

To make it easier to get to these events, we’ll arrange a series of public workshops at Munich, Germany.

Workshops with Tobias and Nikos

It is particularly fun to run these workshops when Tobias Koppers, the author of the tool, is around. If there’s something I cannot answer fully, there’s someone who has an exhaustive answer in mind.

I’ve teamed up with Tobias for a session of workshops in Munich around early May. We’ll have two levels of sessions - one for beginning and intermediate users of the tool and one for experts that have a specific problem in mind.

In addition, a London-based developer, Nikos Katsikanis of QuantumJS, has promised to hold a workshop under the topic of Secrets of World Class Developer Teams.

Between 8th and 10th of May in Munich

The three workshops are held between 8th and 10th of May in Munich. There’s limited capacity (up to ten, five for the masterclass) to make sure we can provide the maximum amount of value for each participant. The prices range from 250 to 500 euros (VAT included) per workshop.

The Workshops

There are going to be three workshops: two about webpack and one about developing teams.

Webpack - The Good Parts - 9:00-12:00

In this high-level overview you’ll learn how to configure Webpack. Even if you know it already, there might be some surprises in store as you gain insight to the tool you otherwise might miss.

The topics covered include:

  • Fundamental ideas of webpack
  • Development techniques
  • Build techniques
  • Asset management
  • Bundle/code splitting
  • Build analysis
  • Optimizing the build

Preview the workshop slides online!

Masterclass with Tobias - 13:00-16:00

Do you want to make most out of webpack or have a specific problem in mind to solve? Join us in this masterclass with Tobias where we will show you how to write loaders and plugins, discuss webpack internals in detail, and help you to solve your issues and speed up your build.

Secrets of World Class Developer Teams - 13:00-17:00

In this seminar held by Nikos Katsikanis, you will get an overview of what it takes to build a successful software development team. You will examine patterns of behaviour, skills and traits. The seminar is highly interactive, and everyone is encouraged to share their knowledge in the break out sessions.

Nikos is an experienced JavaScript trainer and consultant. He has worked for over ten years in the industry and enjoys the working dynamics of different organisations and has a wealth of experience to pass on. His clients have included the likes of British Gas, Dixons Carphone and RES.


It will be interesting to see how this works out! In addition to these Munich sessions, there will be webpack sessions as follows:

In addition, it’s likely I’ll run workshops at Vienna later this year depending on demand and interest. In case you have any questions, leave a comment or contact me directly (see the footer).

Tickets are available through Tito.
